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Friday 27 June 2014

Legends: The Game

Legends: The Game Review: 

A fast-paced multiplayer online action game
Zoom InZoom: Legends: The 
Legends is a freeware online multiplayer game with many servers available for users interested in the community.

This free game centers around a 3D environment taking place in the future. The game actually upto several concurrent players to join and offers graphics suitable for slower Internet connections. Legends offers several different gaming modes from Capture the FlagTeam Deathmatch and other hybrid gaming modes.

The developers of Legends: The Game offer users tons of different maps and the ability for users to create their own maps with the tools provided by the team behind the game.

In the end, a lot of work has gone into creating this free game and the developers have made many steps forward in integrating the game with some of the coolest user-suggested ideas. It isn't exactly on-par with some of the expensive titles that are offered on consoles like the Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 systems, but it comes close and even surpasses some of the games which have flopped.

From Legends Development Team:
Gameplay is not the strafe-strafe-jump-strafe-shoot-strafe-run-like-hell style a lot of games espouse; the addition of a jetpack adds a third dimension of mobility that makes skill, forethought, and restraint necessities to winning. Team sizes are ideal between 10 and 15 on each side, and the network code allows 56k upwards to play smoothly. Game type offerings range from the classic Capture the Flag, Deathmatch and Duel to our own new types.

Legends: The Game is licensed as Freeware for the Windows operating system / platform without restrictions. Legends: The Game is available to all software users as a free download (Freeware).

Click Here To Download


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